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Washington Post Newspaper Guild Pay Study 2022

This is the study of Washington Post Guild members' salaries based on data turned over by management of The Washington Post on May 28, 2021, pursuant to a request by members of the Guild. Management turned over two Excel files: one file detailing the salaries of current guild members working for The Post (as of the date of transmission) and one file detailing the salaries of past guild members who worked for The Post and have left the organization in the past six years.

What follows is an attempt to understand pay at The Washington Post. No individual analysis should be taken on its own to mean that disparities in pay do or do not exist. This study will start with summary analysis of trends and will dive deeper as the study goes on.

The only data manipulation done prior to analysis was taking the data out of Excel and putting the files into CSV files, converting dates from 'MM/DD/YYYY' to 'YYYY-MM-DD' and removing commas from monetary columns where values exceeded 1,000.

Importing data

Add fields for analysis

Add field for 5-year age groups

Add field for 10-year age groups

Add field for years-of-service groups

Group departments

Group desks

Group desks by median salary ranges

Group race and ethnicity

Employee pay change grouping

Employee performance evaluation grouping

Create departmental data frames

Supress Results

Suppress results where there are less than five employees

Suppress results and order them by count of employees

Suppress results and order them by median salary of employees

Summary Analysis

Employee counts

Salary information

Employee gender

Employee race and ethnicity

Employee gender x race/ethnicity

Employee age

Employee department

Employee cost center

Employee years of service

Employee performance evaluations

Employee pay changes



Race and ethnicity

Gender x race/ethnicity

Years of service



Job profiles

Performance evaluations

Pay changes

Performance evaluations x merit raises


Overall disparity calculations




Race and ethnicity

Gender x race/ethnicity

Years of service



Job profiles

Performance evaluations

Pay changes

Performance evaluations x merit raises
